Albuquerque Silvercrest Senior Adult Residence
A safe environment that allows residents to maintain independent living
The fastest growing population is people 65 and older. However, construction of affordable housing units for seniors hasn't kept pace. According to a recent AARP study, for every one vacancy, there are nine eligible seniors.
That's why The Salvation Army created Silvercrests residences more than thirty years ago. The Salvation Army Silvercrests are independent living communities for low-income senior citizens, specifically designed to fill a critical need in the shortage of senior housing.
Located in Albuquerque, the apartment-style residence consist of 52 units. Residents pay only 30% of their income for housing and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) pays the difference. Most were built next to a Salvation Army community center in order to offer the residents easy-access to the spiritual and social events hosted at the community centers. Additionally, at the Silvercrests, the residents are welcome to participate in community oriented activities and recreational programs. The Salvation Army Silvercrests provide more than just housing; they provide a home.
For more information, please contact Melissa Wolcott at 505-883-1068 or via Melissa.Wolcott@usw.salvationarmy.org.